The 6 phases of the User Innovation Tool

The user innovation tool gathers and applies ideas and concepts of the design sprint process (first applied by google ventures). This process exists out of 5 phases. In the tool we provide 6 phases (the introduction to design thinking incorporated as well). Since our aim is to provide guidance through design thinking processes for lecturers, we provide an overview of slide decks. These slides decks possess the theoretical fundamentals for a Design Thinking trajectory.  Feel free to use and apply them, or adjust them to your own needs. On this page you can also find the templates (e.g. “persona” – template) to print and use during the exercise that you would like to apply in your own educational environment.

screenshot warmup phase
Phase 0: warm-up phase

Learn about the main characteristics of Design Thinking, the User Innovation tool and your other team members

Download the slidedeck
Screenshot empathize phase
Phase 1: Emphatize phase

Learn about empathizing with end-users and how to conduct a proper empathizing exercise

Screenshot define phase
Phase 2: Define phase

Learn about defining a concrete question that you can use to find concrete solutions

Screenshot ideation phase
Phase 3: Ideation phase

Learn about ideation and brainstorming for proper and concrete solutions

Screenshot prototyping phase
Phase 4: Prototyping phase

Learn about making solutions concrete and tangible in a fast and agile manner

Screenshot testing phase
Phase 5: Testing phase

Learn to test your tangible solution in a real context with real end-users

Try it out!